Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Best Australia Open commentator by far....

If there's one thing that can make me simultaneously uncomfortable and excited.....it's the appearance of the perma-tanned (some may say swarthy) and mega-watted smiled (and alliterated) Roger Rasheed! Warney, you were late on the bandwagon of the polished bronze gent....Roger has been a front-runner for years! RR gazes down the barrel of the camera with such intensity that it may give the viewer the feeling of being inappropriately undressed with his penetrating gaze and low murmuring voice. It's like watching Grant Hackett try to read the news.....severely uncomfortable and yet you can't look away. Car crash? More like semi-trailer....and 500 car pile-up during peak hour. I'm looking forward to listening to Roger's dulcet tones and staying a safe distance away from the TV when he starts looking longingly into the camera. Camera 1, 2,3, Roger! Ah, he's always ready for his close-up and that's why we love him.....

Make love to that camera, Roger.....you know you want to....

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