So Weekend at Bernie's has been hot-rodding up and down Cavill Ave trying to be the Burnout King of the GC. And we are surprised becausssssssssse.....? Bernie feels very hard done by (and he should) and that it's a (gasp) racial attack and that the cops are over-reacting (yes, of course they are). We agree Bernie, how dare they pull over a dickhead doing doughnuts in a V8 (blasting David Guetta no doubt)? Unheard of! Police commission inquest ASAP! I love how Team Tomic can find a top-spin or slice on any controversy....they are the masters of the finger-point! We here at imabogan love a good finger-point! Who us? No,'s their fault...THEIRS! As Tomic bleated in all his articulateness ,"it's like I killed somebody". Yes, it is! Look at that car! Who drives a burnt orange BMW? You are killing our eyeballs, Bernie!
We thinks a move to Monaco/Bermuda/Crotia could be on the cards ASAP for Team Tomic. How much unfair treatment/victimisation can one poor family take??? (insert massive eyeroll).
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